9.1 Unit Testing

Writing code that does what you mean for it to do is often harder than it might seem, especially in R. Also, as your code grows in size and complexity, and you use good programming practice like writing functions, changing one part of your code may have unexpected effects on other parts that you didn’t change. Unless you are using a programming language that has support for proof-based correctness guarantees, it may be impossible to determine if your code is always correct. As you might imagine, so-called “total correctness” is very difficult to attain, and often requires more time to implement than is practical (unless you’re programming something where correctness is very important, e.g. for a self-driving car). However, there is a collection of approaches that can give us reasonable assurances that our code does what we mean for it to do. These approaches are called software testing frameworks that explicitly test our code for correctness.

There are many different testing frameworks, but they all employ the general principle that we test our codes correctness by passing it inputs for which we we know what the output should be. For example, consider the following function that sums two numbers:

add <- function(x,y) {

We can test this function using a known set of inputs and explicitly comparing the result with the expected output:

result <- add(1,2)
result == 3
[1] TRUE

Our test instance in this case is input x=1,y=2 and the expected output is 3. By comparing the result of this input with the expected output, we have showed that at least for these specific inputs the function behaves as intended. The testing terminology used in this case is the test passed. If the result had been anything other than 3, the test would have failed.

The above is an example of a test, but it is an informal test; it is not yet integrated into a framework since we have to manually inspect the result as passing or failing. In a testing framework, you as the developer of your code also write tests for your code and runs those tests frequently as your code evolves to make sure it continues to behave as you expect over time.

The R package testthat provides such a testing framework that “tries to make testing as fun as possible, so that you get a visceral satisfaction from writing tests.” It’s true that writing tests for your own code may feel tedious and very not fun, but the tradeoff is that tested code is more likely to be correct, saving you from potentially embarrassing (or worse) errors!

Writing tests using testthat is very easy, using the example test written above (remember to install the package using install.packages("testthat") first).

test_that("add() correctly adds things", {
Test passed

Test passed! How satisfying! The test_that function accepts two arguments:

  1. a concise, human readable description of the test
  2. one or more tests enclosed by {} written using expect_X functions from the testthat package

In the example above, we are explicitly testing that the result of add(1,2) is equal to 3 and add(5,6) is equal to 11; specifically, we called expect_equal, which accepts two arguments that it uses to test equality. We have written two explicit test cases (i.e. 1+2 == 3 and 5+6 == 11) under the same test heading.

If we had a mistake in our test such that the expected output was wrong, testthat would inform us not only of the failure, but more details about what happened compared to what we asked it to expect:

test_that("add() correctly adds things", {
-- Failure (Line 3): add() correctly adds things -------------------------------
add(5, 6) not equal to 10.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 11 - 10 == 1

Error: Test failed

In this case, our test case was incorrect, but this would be very helpful information to have if we had correctly specified input and expected output and the test failed! It means we did something wrong, but now we are aware of it and can fix it.

The general testing strategy usually involves writing an R script that only contains tests like the example above and not analysis code; the tests in your test script call the functions you have written in your other scripts to check for their correctness exactly like above. Then, whenever you make substantial changes to your analysis code, you can simply run your test script to check whether everything went ok. Of course, as you add more functions to your analysis script you need to add new tests for that code. If we had put our test above in a script file called test_functions.R we could run them on our analysis code like the following:

add <- function(x,y) {

== Testing test_functions.R =======================================================
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ] Done!

The ultimate testing strategy is called test driven development where you write your tests before developing any analysis code, even for functions that don’t exist yet. Imagine we decide we need a new function that multiplies two numbers together and haven’t written it yet. testtthat can handle the situation where you call a function that isn’t defined yet:

test_that("mul() correctly multiplies things",{
-- Error (Line 1): new function ------------------------------------------------
Error in `mul(1, 2)`: could not find function "mul"
 1. testthat::expect_equal(mul(1, 2), 2)
 2. testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
 3. rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo))

Error: Test failed

In this case, the test failed because mul() is not defined yet, but you have already done the hard part of writing the test! Now all you have to do is write the mul() function and keep working on it until the tests pass. Writing tests first and analysis code later is a great way to be thoughtful about how your code is structured, along with the usual benefit of testing that it means your code is more likely to be correct.