4.7 Functions

Just as a variable is a symbolic representation of a value, a function is a symbolic representation of code. In other words, a function allows you to substitute a short name, e.g. mean, for a set of operations on a given input, e.g. the sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of numbers. R provides a very large number of functions for common operations in its default environment, and more functions are provided by packages you can install separately.

Encapsulating many lines of code into a function is useful for (at least) five distinct reasons:

  1. Make your code more concise and readable
  2. Allow you to avoid writing the same code over and over (i.e. reuse it)
  3. Allow you to systematically test pieces of your code to make sure they do what you intend
  4. Allow you to share your code easily with others
  5. Program using a functional programming style (see note box below)

At its core, R is a functional programming language. The details of what this means are outside the scope of this book, but as the name implies this refers to the language being structured around the use of functions. While this property has technical implications on the structure of the language, a more important consequence is the style of programming it entails. The functional programming style (or paradigm) has many advantages, including generally producing programs that are more concise, predictable, provably correct, and performant. provides a good starting point for learning about functional programming.

In order to do anything useful, a function must generally be able to accept and execute on different inputs; e.g. the mean function wouldn’t be very useful if it didn’t accept a value! The terminology used in R and many other programming languages for this is the function must accept or allow you to pass it arguments. In R, functions accept arguments using the following *pattern:

# a basic function signature
function_name(arg1, arg2) # function accepts exactly 2 arguments

Here, arg1 and arg2 are formal arguments or named arguments, indicating this function accepts two arguments. The name of the function (i.e. function_name) and the pattern of arguments it accepts is called the function’s signature. Every function has at least one signature, and it is critical to understand it in order to use the function properly.

In the above example, arg1 and arg2 are required arguments. This means that the function will not execute without exactly two arguments provided and will raise an error if you try otherwise:

mean() # compute the arithmetic mean, but of what?
Error in mean.default() : argument "x" is missing, with no default

How do you know what arguments a function requires? All functions provided by base R and many other packages include detailed documentation that can be accessed directly through RStudio using either the ? or help():

RStudio - help and function signatures

The second signature of the mean function introduces two new types of syntax:

Default argument values - e.g. trim = 0. These are formal arguments that have a default value if not provided explicitly.

Variable arguments - .... This means the mean function can accept arguments that are not explicitly listed in the signature. This syntax is called dynamic dots.

With these definitions, we can now understand the Arguments section of the help documentation:

Arguments to the mean function

In other words:

  • x is the vector of values (more on this in the next section on data structures) we wish to compute the arithmetic mean for
  • trim is a fraction (i.e. a number between 0 and 0.5) that instructs R to remove a portion of the largest and smallest values from x prior to computing the mean.
  • na.rm is a logical value (i.e. either TRUE or FALSE) that instructs R to remove NA values from x before computing the mean.

All function arguments can be specified by name, regardless of whether there is a default value or not. For instance, the following two mean calls are equivalent:

# this generates 100 normally distributed samples with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
my_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=1)
[1] -0.05826857
[1] -0.05826857

To borrow from the Zen of Python, “Explicit is better than implicit.” Being explicit about which variables are being passed as which arguments will almost always make your code easier to read and more likely to do what you intend.

The ... argument catchall can be very dangerous. It allows you to provide arguments to a function that have no meaning, and R will not raise an error. Consider the following call to mean:

# this generates 100 normally distributed samples with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
my_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=1)
[1] -0.05826857

Did you spot the mistake? The trim argument name has been misspelled as tirm, but R did not report an error. Compare the value of mean without the typo:


The value we get is different, because R recognizes trim but not tirm and changes its behavior accordingly. Not all functions have the ... catchall in their signatures, but many do and so you must be diligent when supplying arguments to function calls!

4.7.1 DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself

Sometimes you will find yourself writing the same code more than once to perform the same operation on different data. For example, one common data transformation is standardization or normalization which entails taking a series of numbers, subtracting the mean of all the numbers from them, and dividing each by the standard deviation of the numbers:

# 100 normally distributed samples with mean 20 and standard deviation 10
my_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=20,sd=10)
my_vals_norm <- (my_vals - mean(my_vals))/sd(my_vals)
[1] 0
[1] 1

Later in your code, you may need to standardize a different set of values, so you decide to copy and paste your code from above and replace the variable name to reflect the new data:

# new samples with mean 40 and standard deviation 5
my_other_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=40,sd=5)
my_other_vals_norm <- (my_other_vals - mean(my_other_vals))/sd(my_vals)
[1] 0
sd(my_other_vals_norm) # this should be 1!
[1] 0.52351

Notice the mistake? We forgot to change the variable name my_vals to my_other_vals in our pasted code, which produced an incorrect result. Good thing we checked!

In general, if you are copying and pasting code from one part of your script to another, you are repeating yourself and have to do a lot of work to be sure you have modified your copy correctly. Copying and pasting code is tempting from an efficiency standpoint, but introduces may opportunities for (often undetected!) errors.

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a principle of software development that emphasizes recognizing and avoiding writing the same code over and over by encapsulating code. In R, this is most easily done with functions. If you notice yourself copying and pasting code, or writing the same pattern of code more than once, this is an excellent opportunity to write your own function and avoid repeating yourself!

4.7.2 Writing your own functions

R allows you to define your own function using the following syntax:

function_name <- function(arg1, arg2, ...) {
  # code that does something with arg1, arg2, etc

You define the name of your function, the number of arguments it accepts and their names, and the code within the function, which is also called the function body. Taking the example above, I would define a function named standardize that accepts a vector of numbers, subtracts the mean from all the values, and divides them by the standard deviation:

standardize <- function(x) {
  res <- (x - mean(x))/sd(x)

my_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=20,sd=10)
my_vals_std <- standardize(my_vals)
[1] 0
[1] 1

my_other_vals <- rnorm(100,mean=40,sd=5)
my_other_vals_std <- standardize(my_other_vals)
[1] 0
[1] 1

Notice above we are assigning the value of the standardize function to new variables. In R and other languages, the result of a function is returned when the function is called; the value returned is called the return value. The return() function makes it clear what the function is returning.

The return() function is not strictly necessary in R; the result of the last line of code in the body of a function is returned by default. However, to again to borrow from the Zen of Python, “Explicit is better than implicit.” Being explicit about what a function returns by using the return() function will make your code less error prone and easier to understand.

4.7.3 Scope

In programming, there is a critically important concept called scope. Every variable and function you define when you program has a scope, which defines where in the rest of your code the variable can be accessed. In R, variables defined outside of a function have universal or top level scope, i.e. they can be accessed from anywhere in your script. However, variables defined inside functions can only be accessed from within that function. For example:

x <- 3
multiply_x_by_two <- function() {
  y <- x*2 # x is not defined as a parameter to the function, but is defined outside the function
[1] 3
[1] 6
Error: object 'y' not found

Notice that the variable x is accessible within the function multiply_x_by_two, but the variable y is not accessible outside that function. The reason that x is accessible within the function is that multiply_x_by_two inherits the scope where it is defined, which in this case is the top level scope of your script, which includes x. The scope of y is limited to the body of the function between the { } curly braces defining the function.

Accessing variables within functions from outside the function’s scope is very bad practice! Functions should be as self contained as possible, and any values they need should be passed as parameters. A better way to write the function above would be as follows:

x <- 3
multiply_by_two <- function(x) {
  y <- x*2 # x here is defined as whatever is passed to the function!
[1] 3
[1] 12
x # the value of x in the outer scope remains the same, because the function scope does not modify it
[1] 3

Every variable and function you define is subject to the same scope rules above. Scope is a critical concept to understand when programming, and grasping how it works will make your code more predictable and less error prone.