3.1 The R Language

R is a free programming language and environment where that language can be used. More specifically, R is a statistical programming language, designed for the express and exclusive purpose of conducting statistical analyses and visualizing data. Said differently, R is not a general purpose programming language unlike other languages such as python, Java, C, etc. As such, the language’s real strengths are in the manipulation, analysis, and visualization of data and statistical procedures, though it is often used for other purposes (for example, web applications with RShiny, or writing books like this one with bookdown). You may download R for free from the Comprehensive R Archive Network.

The effective biological analysis practitioner knows how to use multiple tools for their appropriate purposes. The most common programming languages in this field are python, R, and scripting languages like The Bourne Again Shell - bash. While it is beyond the scope of this book to cover which tools are best used where, R is appropriate wherever data analysis and visualization are needed. Any operations that do not involve these aspects (e.g. manipulating text files, programming web servers, etc) are likely more suitable for other languages and software.