Assignment 2

Problem Statement

Arranging the structure of our data inputs is vital to using R, as is creating the correct environment for analysis by installing packages. It is also important to share data and results easily using R markdown.

Learning Objectives

  • Install various packages needed for analysis
  • Load data, filter that data, and retrieve HGNC ids for the data
  • Create a small plot to display results
  • Utilize R Markdown to create an attractive format for sharing data.

Skill List

  • How to utilize R markdown to create a report of data analysis
  • Installing and loading packages in R
  • Utilizing Bioconductor to equate affy ids to HGNC ids (gene names)


Our main focus for this assignment are installing packages, manipulating data, and plotting our manipulated data. We will be borrowing from the same CSV of expression data from BF528’s Project 1, available here.
An empty project repo can be found here:

The project is laid out as such:


A skeleton of the functions you need to complete is in main.R. Tests have been pre-written to test your code and help you ensure it is running correctly, these are in test_main.R. Finally, we are also introducing the concept of R Markdown, which for this assignment is report.Rmd. The document itself goes into greater detail, but you will:

  1. Complete the functions in main.R and use testthat:test_file('test_main.R') to ensure they work correctly.
  2. Read the R Markdown file and complete the section called “Assignment”. To do this, you can source('main.R') to bring over the functions you wrote in step one.
  3. Finally, annotate the functions you wrote and Knit the R Markdown report, complete with your additional comments and code execution.

This page will go into detail on how the functions and their associated tests should work.

Function Details

1. Bioconductor

While many useful R packages can be loaded through CRAN using the install.packages() syntax, a lot of specifically bioinformatics packages are exclusively released on Bioconductor. For this assignment we only need the package called biomaRt. R programmers fancy themselves very clever, so Rs show up a lot.

Naturally, we want to load our packages at the beginning of our script so all of the code we write beneath can access it as it runs. However, if a user or ourselves already has this package installed we don’t want to waste their time installing it again. The function require() can help us avoid unnecessary installation time and will help us develop faster. The Bioconductor link above has an example of this method.

This section is untested.

2. load_expression()

Perhaps the most integral part of using the many data wrangling abilities of R is actually entering your data into the R environment. While there are many ways to do this in R, we ultimately want this data to be in a tibble, which means the current form of the CSV will make R very angry if you attempt to load it in. This is because tibbles don’t support row names very well, and the first column of our data doesn’t have a name. Try to use the load_expression() data to load data from a filename parameter and return a tibble of that information. I called my firs column “probeids”.


The tests for this function are:

test_that("loading csv correctly", {
  result_tib <- load_expression("/project/bf528/project_1/data/example_intensity_data.csv")
  expect_equal(dim(result_tib), c(54675, 36))

This test uses the load_expression() you write to store the returned tibble in result_tib.

While this test is using the same file for data input as you are, this may not always be the case.

The test then compares the dimensions of that result, and expects 54,675 rows and 36 columns. These are the dimensions of the input CSV. It also checks to confirm it is a tibble object (because tibbles are better than dataframes).

3. filter_15()

In order to filter the numerous rows we have for this data, we introduce a function that filters the probe IDs in the tibble our data is stored in. We want to capture probes that have a suitably high level of expression, so we are setting log2(15) as the cutoff for an expression level. We will keep a row if 15% of the values in that row exceed log2(15) (about 3.9). Since we may want to examine the probe IDs we find, the function simple returns the values of the probe IDs (column 1) instead of returning the entire tibble.

This function presents an important concept in R: using built-ins to speed up our code. Built-ins are functions and packages that are optimized to process data in a certain way. Since we’re looking at each row of a table, we could simply use a for loop to iterate one row at a time. This is slow, though, and for this function might take 5-10 seconds to run (a long time for a program like this!). Instead, you could use a function like apply() or lapply() to filter every row at once. This solution takes mere moments.


test_that("the correct rows are filtered out in filter_15()", {
  test_tib <- tibble(probeids=c('1_s_at', '2_s_at', '3_s_at', '4_s_at'),
                     GSM1=c(1.0, 3.95, 4.05, 0.5),
                     GSM2=rep(1.6, 4),
                     GSM3=rep(2.5, 4),
                     GSM4=rep(3.99, 4),
                     GSM5=rep(3.0, 4),
                     GSM6=rep(1.0, 4),
                     GSM7=rep(0.5, 4))
  expect_equal(pull(filter_15(test_tib)), c("2_s_at", "3_s_at"))

In order to test this function, we create a small sample tibble of expression data containing only seven samples and four IDs. Two of the rows do have more than 15% of their values exceeding log2(15), the other two do not. This test ensures that filter_15() selects the correct rows. Creating a small sample table like this can be very useful when testing your own code since you don’t need to look at a large amount of data to see if it’s working correctly or not.

4. affy_to_hgnc()

This is an important, but sometimes painful, part of using R. There is a great built-in package for connecting to Ensembl (a database of genomic information for many species) called biomaRt. We will use biomaRt to connect the affymetrix probe IDs to more recognizable HGNC gene IDs. The problem is that biomaRt depends on an external API (application program interface) to retrieve data, and this connection sometimes (oftentimes) doesn’t work. While their may be more nuanced approaches to an unstable resource like this like automatically retrying failed connections, the best advice for the time being is to try running this function a few times if it doesn’t work at first. The errors are clear when it comes to a failed connection, so know that when you get to this stage it likely isn’t your code’s fault.

To build a biomaRt query, read the documentation in section 3 here. The biomart you should use is ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL, the data set hsapiens_gene_ensembl, and you want to find the attributes c("affy_hg_u133_plus_2", "hgnc_symbol"). The data you filter using filter_15() returns a list of affy_hg_u133_plus_2 probe IDs, and the gene names we’re interested in are stored in hgnc_symbol.

This function should return a tibble, but biomaRt’s getBM() will only accept and return a data.frame. You can use dplyr::pull() to turn a tibble into a simple character vector, and dplyr::as_tibble() to go from a data frame to a tibble.


test_that("affy ids can be converted to HGNC names properly using affy_to_hgnc()", {
  # biomaRt super buggy so we can try to account for not connecting well
  response <- try(affy_to_hgnc(tibble('1553551_s_at')), TRUE)
  if (grepl("Error", response[1])) {
    expect_warning(warning("Could not connect to ENSEMBL."))
  else {
    expect_equal(response$hgnc_symbol, c("MT-ND1", "MT-TI", "MT-TM", "MT-ND2"))

As fun as it is to try to get biomaRt function to connect correctly, it is even more fun to test them. Since a failure to connect doesn’t indicate an actual failure in our code we must use a try() block in order to capture if there is a connection error.

Note that the try() function is a part of programming called error-handling which extends to many other languages. We often expect errors when running our programs (such as right now) but don’t want to shut down our entire operation if it’s an error we can expect. Using try, except, and finally (the latter two not appearing here) we can account for *issues outside of our control and adapt our code to change the outcome.

Using try except is not a replacement for writing code that doesn’t generate errors. If you can avoid an error in the first place, that is far better than using error-handling.

In this case we try() to use affy_to_hgnc() to connect to Ensembl and store the resulting error in response. We then check: if there is an “Error” then we throw a warning() to our testing output. This doesn’t stop further testing from happening, but it ensures we know that something isn’t quite right. If the response does not contain an error, we simply test that it returned the correct gene symbols for our random affy probe ID of choice.

5. reduce_data()

We have one final step in manipulating our data before we plot it. We have our original data, the probe IDs and their associated HGNC symbols, and a list of good gene names and bad gene names. reduce_data takes these four inputs and returns a tibble that has reduced our expression data to only the genes of interest and has a column describing which set of genes it belongs to (“good” or “bad”). Changing the shape of the data is incredibly useful for ggplot, the tidyverse package we will use for plotting. While there is flexibility when using ggplot to plot data, having data in long format is typically ideal.

Once again, there are multiple ways to reorganize data in this way. We used the base function match() to connect our probe IDs to with our HGNC IDs in name_ids. We then used tibble::add_column() to insert the new data in the correct location. Finally, we created two tibbles of good and bad genes using which() and the %in% modifier. Which evaluates true conditions across a range of data, so we can pass the list of genes we want and select the correct ones. For instance:

tib <- tibble(gene = c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"),
              affy = c("a_s_1", "a_s_2", "a_s_3", "a_s_4"))
which(tib$gene %in% c("gene2", "gene3")) # returns the index of the TRUE rows
## [1] 2 3
tib$affy[which(tib$gene %in% c("gene2", "gene3"))] # use [] to get data back
## [1] "a_s_2" "a_s_3"

Once again, there are many ways to reshape this data (some maybe more elegant than this!) and all we need is the data to be correctly shaped when it is returned.


test_that("reduce_data() is correctly changing the size and shape of the tibble", {
  t_tibble <- tibble(probeids = c("1_s_at", "2_s_at", "3_s_at"),
                     GSM1 = c(9.5, 7.6, 5.5),
                     GSM2 = c(9.7, 7.2, 2.9),
                     GSM3 = c(6.9, 4.3, 6.8))
  names <- tibble(affy_hg_u133_plus_2 = c("1_s_at", "2_s_at", "3_s_at"),
                  hgnc_symbol = c("A-REAL-GENE", "SONIC", "UTWPU"))
  good <- c("A-REAL-GENE")
  bad <- c("SONIC")
  reduce_test <- reduce_data(t_tibble, names, good, bad)
  result <- tibble(probeids = c("1_s_at", "2_s_at"),
                   hgnc_symbol = c("A-REAL-GENE", "SONIC"),
                   gene_set = c("good", "bad"),
                   GSM1 = c(9.5, 7.6),
                   GSM2 = c(9.7, 7.2),
                   GSM3 = c(6.9, 4.3))
  expect_equal(reduce_test, result)

In order to test a function that changes a tibble, we need to use a tibble. We only create a test table that is three rows by four columns, but that is enough to get the gist of the function. We simply pass the four parameters to reduce_data() and we expect it to create a tibble like result. Ensure your output column names are the same here or your tests my fail. While not crucial to the success of your assignment, maintaining correct column names across multiple data transformations is an important skill.