Assignment 4

Problem Statement

When dealing with gene counts in an mRNA-seq dataset, it is important to normalize the data before performing any analyses so you can make accurate comparisons of gene expression between samples. There are a number of different methods you can use to accomplish and the method you use will depend on the kinds of samples you have and the analyses you want to perform. This first part of this assignment will guide you through two commonly used methods: Counts Per Million and DESeq2 Normalization.

Once you normalize your data you can do exploratory analysis and construct the appropriate graphs. As bioinformaticians, you will need to be able present your data in tidy reports with generated plots- sometimes between blocks of text. R Markdown is a good tool to accomplish this with, allowing you to display tables and plots alongside the bulk of your writing. You’ve had some exposure to R Markdown in previous assignments, now you will start writing your own code to generate the visualizations for your report. It will be important to remember that you need to keep your code separate depending on its function: the function declarations and implementation- your code that will work behind-the-scenes to perform data manipulation and process inputs without user interaction on the “back end”- should stay in your main.R file while your calls to construct and display the tibbles and visuals created in the back end should be put in your report.Rmd file- despite the user not directly manipulating or editing the outputs you generate, they are still interacting with the display by viewing it and therefore the lines of code that call the functions to create these outputs belong in your “front end.”

Learning Objectives

  • Data normalization methods (CPM, DESeq2)
  • Plotting data in Tidyverse
  • Displaying results and compiling reports in R Markdown
  • Application of Tidyverse functions

Skill List

  • DESeq normalization, referencing the linked Bioconductor vignette if needed
  • Tibble manipulation
  • Creating different types of graphs in ggplot2
  • Running PCA


An empty project repo can be found here:

You will be given


Like previous assignments, the bulk of the work will be done in the skeleton file main.R, but unlike previous assignments the provided report.Rmd is also a skeleton file. Both documents will provide the information needed to complete the assignment. Please ensure that your inputs and outputs match the specifications listed- or at the very least can properly handle inputs as instructed and return the expected output since that is how your functions will be tested.

To help you complete the assignment, you are being provided a sample report and a set of test functions that are similar to the ones we will use to grade. The sample report is provided in the appropriately named sample_report.html and the tests for you to use can be found in test_main.R. Please note that while the sample report does not display any code, it is okay and- preferred, really- for your report to display the code blocks like they have done in previous assignments.


  1. Implement the functions as described in main.R.
  2. [optional but highly recommended] Test your functions using `test_main.R
  3. Fill in report.Rmd as instructed. You will need the functions you implemented in main.R
  4. Knit report.Rmd and create your report.html


  1. main.R with all of the functions completed
  2. report.Rmd filled in as instructed
  3. report.html knitted from your report.Rmd

Function Details

1. read_data()

Load a tsv located at a specified location

Input (1): string path to file

Output: (g x m) tibble

Details: This function will be tested for handling various input strings and returning the proper output: dimensions, column names, if column ‘gene’ is located in the first column, and output type tibble. Your test_main will include additional testing of output column types and lack of row names for your reference, to help catch errors early on.

2. filter_zero_var_genes()

Filter out genes with zero variance

Input (1): (g x m) tibble

Output: (n x m) tibble

Details: This function will be tested for handling an input (g x m) tibble and returning the proper output: column names, if column ‘gene’ is located in the first column, names of ‘genes’ returned, and output type tibble. Your test_main will include additional testing for row consistency- ensuring that the sample data still correlates with the gene names- for your reference and to help catch errors early on

3. timepoint_from_sample()

Extract time point information from sample name

Input (1): string (length 5) of sample name in format v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9] (In other words: v[α][β]_[γ], where α is any capital modern English letter, β is any lower case modern English letter OR any Arabic number 0-9, and γ is any Arabic number from 0-9)

Output: string (length 2) of substring [A-Z][a-z,1-9] from sample name:

Details: This function will be tested for handling various strings of length 5 in the form v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9] and outputting the proper string, preserving letter case where letter case is provided.

4. sample_replicate()

Grab sample replicate number from sample name

Input (1): Input (1): string (length 5) of sample name in format v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9] (In other words: v[α][β]_[γ], where α is any capital modern English letter, β is any lower case modern English letter OR any Arabic number 0-9, and γ is any Arabic number from 0-9)

Output: string (length 1 of substring [1-9] from sample name: v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9] (In other words: [γ] from v[α][β]_[γ])

Details: This function will be tested for handling various strings of length 5 in the form v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9] and outputting the proper character string.

5. meta_info_from_labels()

Generate sample-level metadata from sample names and stores the data into a tibble. Will include columns named “sample”, “timepoint”, and “replicate” that store sample names, sample time points, and sample replicate, respectively.

Input (1): Character vector of length _S_ of sample names with column names “sample”, “timepoint”, and “replicate”

Output: a (_S_ x 3) tibble

Details: This function will be tested for handling of a character vector of length _S_, where each element in the vector is a string with a length of 5 in the form of v[A-Z][a-z,1-9]_[1-9], and properly outputting a (_S_ x 3) tibble with columns named “sample”, “timepoint”, and “replicate” and rows that correspond with the input samples. Your test_main will include additional testing for the order of elements in column ‘sample’’s correspondence with the order of elements in the input vector for your reference. The column types of your output tibble will not be tested.

6. get_library_size()

Calculate total read counts for each sample in a counts dataset.

Input (1): a (n x m) tibble of raw read counts

Output: tibble or named vector of read totals from each sample. Vectors must be length _S_, a tibble can be (1 x _S_) with sample names as columns names OR (_S_ x 2) where sample name is in the first column and library size is the second column

Details: This function will be tested for the return of a tibble or named vector that have sample names which correspond with the appropriate library size.

7. normalize_by_cpm()

Normalize raw counts data to counts per million using (counts) / (sample_library_size) * 10^6

Input (1): a (n x m) tibble of raw read counts

Output: a (n x m) tibble with read count normalized to counts per million

Details: This function will be tested to handle a (n x m) tibble. Its output will be tested for dimensions, column names, location of string and numeric column(s), performance of the desired equation on numeric columns, and that gene names still correspond to their rows.

8. deseq_normalize()

Normalize raw counts data using DESeq2

Input (1): a (n x m) tibble of raw read counts

Output: a (n x m) tibble of DESeq2 normalized counts data

Details:This function will be tested to handle a (n x m) tibble. Its output will be tested for dimensions, column names, location of string and numeric column(s), performance of the desired equation on numeric columns, and that gene names still correspond to their rows.

9. plot_pca()

Input (3): a (n x _S_) tibble of data, a (_S_ x 3) tibble of sample-level meta information, and a string

Output: a ggplot scatter plot showing each sample, with PC1 on x-axis and PC2 on y-axis

Details: The output of this will be tested for the appropriate test run and PCs used to plot. It may be visually inspected as part of your grade

10. plot_sample_distributions()

Input (3): a (n x _S_) tibble of data, a boolean to determine whether to scale the ‘y’ axis to log10 values, and a string

Output: a ggplot boxplot that shows gene count distributions

Details: This function will be tested on a (n x _S_) tibble. It will be tested for functionality of its inputs, handling of data, expected graph elements, and graph type. It may also be visually inspected as part of your grade

11. plot_variance_vs_mean()

Input (3): a (n x _S_) tibble of data, a boolean to determine whether to scale the ‘y’ axis to log10 values, and a string

Output: a ggplot scatter plot where the x-axis is the rank of gene ordered by mean count over all samples, and the y-axis is the observed variance of the given gene. Each dot should have their transparency increased. The scatter plot should also be accompanied by a line representing the average mean and variance values

Details: This function will be tested on a (n x _S_) tibble. It will be tested for functionality of its inputs, handling of data, expected graph elements, and graph type. It may also be visually inspected as part of your grade


  • Make sure you don’t have any rownames on any of the tibbles your function(s)

  • return. You should get a warning in your R console if you do.

  • Sometimes Tydyverse is the best tool for the job, sometimes it isn’t

  • Some tasks are easier to accomplish with dataframes than tibbles. Not everyone will use these methods, but if you do you are welcome to use dataframes within a function as long as the inputs and outputs are the ones specified (returning a dataframe instead of a tibble may points).

  • The Bioconductor vignette for DESeq2 is linked in part 3 of your report.Rmd. It can also be found here)

  • In a previous version of this assignment, the output of filter_zero_var_genes() was transformed from (n x m) to (n x _s_) and called the counts_matrix. One of the TAs thought use of ‘matrix’ would be confusing (since we want you to use datasets of type tibble) so it was re-worded, but this piece of trivia might be helpful for interpreting the Bioconductor vignette- or if you see any sort of ‘matrix’ referenced in report.Rmd because it got overlooked during editing.

  • There may be occasions where you will need to reshape your data from a wide

  • format to a long format

  • Symbols used in main.R~ g: initial number of Genes, m: initial number of columns expected when you import verse_counts.tsv, n: number of genes expected after you filter in part 1b, _S_: number of Samples