Assignment 0

Problem Statement

This “assignment” will walk you thruogh getting your RStudio environment connected to GitHub so you can do later assignments. There is no coding in this assignment.

Learning Objectives and Skill List

  • Run RStudio, on the cluster or your personal computer
  • Create a GitHub account if required
  • Connect RStudio to GitHub
  • git clone the Assignment 0 Repo into RStudio using the provided GitHub Classroom link


Follow the instructions on the Starting an Assignment page with the GitHub Classroom link you have been given through class communication.

If you have never used git before, follow these instructions to make your first commit and push to GitHub! When you have successfully cloned your GitHub Classroom repo to RStudio:

  1. Make an edit to the file, for instance write your name in it or a poem you like, or whatever
  2. Stage (i.e. add) the change
  3. Commit it with a brief commit message, e.g. “added name to readme”
  4. Push to GitHub
  5. Confirm your changes by examining your repo on GitHub in a web browser


  • Will add as needed