4.10 Saving and Loading R Data

While it is always a good idea to save results in tabular form in CSV Files, sometimes it is convenient to save complicated R objects and data structures like lists to a file that can be read back into R easily. This can be done with the saveRDS() and readRDS() functions:

a_complicated_list <- list(
    categories = c("A","B","C"),
    data_matrix = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),nrows=2,ncols=3),
    nested_list = list(
      a = c(1,2,3),
      b = c(4,5,6)
saveRDS(a_complicated_list, "a_complicated_list.rda")

# later, possibly in a different script
a_complicated_list <- readRDS("a_complicated_list.rda")

These functions are very convenient for saving results of complicated analyses and reading them back in later, especially if those analyses were time consuming.

R also has the functions save() and load(). These functions are similar to saveRDS and readRDS, except they do not allow loading individual objects into new variables. Instead, save accepts one or more variable names that are in the global namespace and saves them all to a file:

var_a <- "a string"
var_b <- 1.234

save(var_a, var_b, file="saved_variables.rda")

Then later when the file saved_variables.rda is load()ed, the all the variables saved into the file are loaded into the namespace with their saved values:

# assume var_a and var_b are not defined yet
[1] "a string"
[1] 1.234

This requires the programmer to remember the names of the variables that were saved into the file. Also, if there are variables that already exist in the current environment that are also saved in the file, those variable values will be overridden possibly without the programmers knowledge or intent. There is no way to change the variable names of variable saved in this way. For these reasons, saveRDS and loadRDS are generally safer to use as you can be more explicit about what you are saving and loading.