Week 3: Genome Analytics

Week 3 Overview

For this week, you will be inspecting the outputs of Prokka, and using the annotations generated to extract a specific portion of the genome sequence using samtools. You will also develop a simple python script that will be incorporated into your Nextflow pipeline that will calculate a few basic statistics on your chosen genome (GC content and length).


  • Get familiar with the outputs of Prokka and the GFF file

  • Use samtools to extract a randomly selected region from a large sequence

  • Develop an external script that can be seamlessly incorporated into your workflow

Understanding the staging directory

As we’ve mentioned, nextflow will “stage” files for specific processes in their own directories that are named specially in the work/ directory it creates. These names usually follow the pattern of beginning with two letters or numbers, followed by an underscore, and then followed by a string of letters and numbers.

This is known as a hash and you can think of it as a way of encoding data and information of arbitrary size to a fixed size. Nextflow will automatically stage each task in these separate directories for you. The main advantage of this strategy is that it prevents you from having to worry about file names and file name collisions since each task is guaranteed to run in its own new directory.

When you run nextflow, you may have noticed that to the left of each process listed, you can see the location of where nextflow has run said task.


You can navigate to these directories manually to inspect logs, output files, or check that the right files are being staged.

  1. Navigate to the directory in work/ where your Prokka process ran successfully. Answer the following question in the provided week3_tasks.Rmd:

    1. Explain the purpose of each file that you find in this directory. You may need to look up concepts such as stdout and stderr.

Inspecting the Prokka Output

For full details, you can view the Prokka documentation for the exact files it produces. We are going to focus on the GFF output as that will contain some of the most important annotation information.

As we discussed in lecture, a GFF file contains information used to describe genes and other features of DNA, RNA or protein sequences.

  1. Navigate to your results/ directory and find the outputs created by Prokka. Open up the <replace_with_your_name>.gff file and answer the following questions:

    1. Does this file have a regularized format? How would you parse or read this file?

    2. What information appears to be stored in this file?

  2. Scroll through the file, and pick a random line where the 7th column is ‘+’. Record the values from the 4th and 5th column, they should both be numbers and represent an interval of the genome that has been annotated to some function or identity by Prokka.

  3. In your refs/ directory, create a new text file and call it region_of_interest.txt In this file, it should be a single line with the information you found above with the following generic format:

    <name_of_genome>:<value from column 4>-<value from column 5>

    Or for a specific example: genome_a:100-200

Passing outputs of processes as inputs

In nearly all bioinformatics pipelines, you will need to take the outputs from one tool and input them into another.

Last week, you generated a module and process to create a genome index for your chosen genome. Now, we wish to use this index to enable us to quickly access random regions of the genome and extract their sequence. We will directly pass the outputs from this process to another process which will use the newly created index.

For most index files in bioinformatics, they will be named the same as the file they are associated with but with an additional extension indicating that it’s an index. For our example, we will have two files including the original FASTA file:


Most utilities that use this index file will by default assume that the index and the original file are located in the same place. Our new process will call mostly the same samtools faidx command, but now by including the index, it will extract out the sequence associated with the coordinates provided in our region_of_interest.txt

  1. Generate a new main.nf script in the samtools_faidx_subset directory under modules. You may copy your main.nf from the samtools_faidx directory as the inputs, outputs, and commands will all be largely similar. Remember that the both the original file and index need to be in the same location for most tools to utilize it.

You can pass the outputs from your previous samtools_faidx process as input to this one. You will have one additional input which will be the region_of_interest.txt you generated previously. By default, most samtools utilities print their results to stdout. Use the > tool to redirect the output to a file named region.subset.fna.

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

For those not familiar, BLAST is an algorithm developed by the NCBI that enables searching for short sequence matches of a subject sequence of interest against a large library of known and identified sequences present in our collective databases. It is a remarkable tool that will take a short nucleotide or protein sequence and return some of the most similar sequences, which allows us to make strong inferences and conclusions about the potential identity and origin of our sequence of interest. It is a heuristic algorithm that works by first finding short matches between two sequences. By its nature, it is not designed to find or ensure it returns optimal alignments, and instead prioritizes speed.A quick google search will lead you to the BLAST website.

  1. Please select the nucleotide blast option and open the file you created named your_genome.region.subset.fna. Copy the sequence found within that file into the query section of BLAST and leave all other options at default. Answer the following question in your provided week3_tasks.Rmd:

    1. Please take a screenshot of the BLAST results returned from your query. What are some of the possible alignments of your sequence of interest? Are there are any commonalities in the organisms found if you see multiple equally valid results?

    2. Just for fun: feel free to inspect more of the results from Prokka and query potential matches using BLAST. Can you guess the original identity of the genome you chose?

Developing an external script

Many times in bioinformatics pipelines, we will need to run a custom script that will perform a specific analysis or operation. For this pipeline, we wish to calculate some basic statistics about the chosen genome. We will take advantage of the fact that FASTA files are simple text files with a defined format that can be easily parsed.

Nextflow has made the incorporation of scripts into workflows very simple. You can place your external scripts in the bin/ directory and nextflow will handle staging the bin/ directory and adding the script to path when it executes. You will need to include a shebang line and change the script permissions to be executable prior to running your workflow.

Take a look at the provided skeleton of a script in bin/ named genome_stats.py. Examine lines 1-20, and you may also find this documentation helpful. This script utilizes argparse, a library meant to make it simple to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. This is one of the many methods by which tools and scripts enable you to set different flags or options at runtime (e.g. –output or -p).

In the provided week3_tasks.Rmd, please answer the following questions:

1. How would you change this argparse code to accept a list of file inputs?

2. Why are we going to the trouble of making a separate script and nextflow
module to run this specific code?

You will develop your code to parse the genome FASTA you were provided and the nextflow module accompanying this script will simply be responsible for passing it the correct input (your FASTA file) and specifying the output file.

  1. Write valid python code below line 20 in the provided script. You may do this with basic python functionalities or attempt to use Biopython. Your code should do the following:

    1. Read in the FASTA file
    2. Parse the sequence correctly and return the GC Content as a percentage and the length of the genome.
    3. Output these two values to separate lines in a new file, you may include some text explaining what each value represents (i.e. GC Content: 64%)
  2. Make a new directory in modules entitled genome_stats and create a main.nf. If using biopython, make an appropriate YML environment specification for biopython. If only using basic python, make a YML environment specification with python installed. You can have the inputs be the same shape and structure as the fa_ch. You will need to specify how you want the output file named. The shell/script portion will be the command for executing the associated .py script and providing it the appropriate inputs as specified by argparse. Please write the new file to the results/ directory using publishDir.

  3. When your script is functional and your associated nextflow module complete, run Nextflow once more to generate the text file containing the two genome statistics requested.

0.2 Week 3 Tasks Summary

  1. Select a region of interest from the GFF generated from the output of Prokka and encode the information as specified in a new file refs/region_of_interest.txt

  2. Generate a new nextflow module that takes the outputs of the samtools_faidx process as inputs along with your refs/region_of_interest.txt. This module should run samtools faidx to extract the specific sequence specified in your text file from the full genome file. Place this sequence in a new FASTA file called region.subset.fna

  3. Explore the use of BLAST and utilize it to query the sequence you extracted. Take a screenshot of the results and make sure to answer the associated questions.

  4. Develop the included genome_stats.py script to successfully parse the genome FASTA file and calculate the GC content (as a percentage of total) and the length of the sequence. Simultaneously, develop a new nextflow module that will call the script and provide the appropriate inputs on the command line. This script should write the results to a new text file named as you choose.