Guide for requesting appropriate computational resources on the SCC
As we’ve discussed in class, we can greatly speed up certain computational operations by making use of high performance computing principles. This can include leveraging multicore processors, using nodes with more RAM available and making use of parallel computing to run independent tasks simultaneously on multiple computers.
The compute nodes on the SCC are relatively heterogeneous and you can see an exact technical breakdown here. For operations where it is possible, we will often make use of multiple cores of a processor to speed up the computation.
The qsub command
The SCC makes use of SGE queuing system to manage and schedule the execution of
large numbers of jobs on a high-performance computing cluster. This is done
primarily through the qsub
command which will enable the customization of
different directives passed to the batch system.
The most commonly used directives are:
-l h_rt
: hard run time limit in hh:mm:ss format. Default, 12 hrs.
: The project to which jobs are assigned. This option is mandatory for all
users and used for accounting purposes.
: Specifies the job name. Default is the script or command name.
Other directives allow jobs to request nodes with specific amounts of memory,
processors or even architecture. We will be making heavy use of the -pe omp
directive which is primarily intended for any jobs using multiple processors on a
single node.
pe omp
The value of N can be set to any number between 1 and 28 and can also be set to 36. Use N=36 is to request a very large-memory (1024 GB) node. To make best use of available resources on the SCC, the optimal choices are N=1, 4, 8, 16, 28, or 36.
Handling memory requests on the SCC
As well as cores, certain jobs may require a specific amount of memory. As you know, storing information in RAM (random access memory) allows for much faster access and operations. When your jobs are scheduled and dispatched to the actual node, there is no actual restriction on the amount of RAM your task utilizes. However, we are on a shared computing cluster, and it is important to be respectful and every user is expected to follow “fair share” guidelines. Your job will likely be running on a node where other user’s tasks are also running, so it is important not to unduly monopolize these shared resources.
Memory options to the batch system are only enforced when the job is dispatched
to the node. Once the job has been dispatched, the batch system cannot enforce
any limits to the amount of memory the job uses on the node. Therefore each user
is expected to follow "fair share" guidelines when submitting jobs to the
The memory on each node on the SCC is shared by all the jobs running on that
node. Therefore a single-processor job should not use more than the amount of
memory available per core (TotalMemory / NumCores where TotalMemory is the total
memory on the node and NumCores is the number of cores). For example on the
nodes with 128GB of memory and 16 cores, if the node is fully utilized, a
single-processor job is expected to use no more than 8GB of memory. See the
Technical Summary for the list of nodes and the memory available on each of
Commonly used core / memory options on the SCC
In general, requesting more cores (or more memory), will increase your queue
time as these more powerful nodes are usually in high demand by other users of
the SCC. You can look at the nextflow.config
profiles section to look at
exactly the resources requested via qsub command for each of the labels
we are
using for our tasks.
Below, you can see a small table provided by the SCC that denotes common memory and processor requests and how to specify them:

A few important notes on the table seen above:
These are the most common options, and the job queue will generally be faster when using the preset options seen above as there are more nodes with these specifications.
The more powerful nodes (larger # of cores and RAM) are in high-demand. You want to only request these nodes if you are sure you need the resources these provide. The queue for these nodes can be very long and depending on the complexity of the request task, may be longer than the actual runtime of what you are doing.
How to determine what resources to request per job
Determining how many threads / how much RAM your specific analysis will require will largely come with experience. Before you develop this sense, you will need to manually inspect your analyses as they run to determine how many resources they are utilizing. While this is not as critical when working in this class (the scc is free), requesting the appropriate number of resources will be far more important when working in other settings where compute time and resources will be charged per usage.
Managing your batch jobs on the SCC
Please see this resource from BU SCC IT for detailed information on tracking
your batch jobs using qstat
After you’ve submitted a batch job, you will be able to check the status of any job by using the following command:
qstat -u <your-BU-userid>
To get detailed information about the resources a job is utilizing, you may use the following command:
qstat -j <job ID>
This resource
from the BU SCC IT group describes briefly the output of the above command. One
of the important metrics to note is the maxvmem
output, which displays the
maximum amount of virtual memory used during the CPU runtime of the job. This
value should enable you to determine how much memory to request for similar
operations on similarly sized data.
If you wish to delete a job from the queue, you may use the following command:
qdel <job-id>
The job ID for a specific job may be found by using the above qstat
If you wish to delete all of the jobs associated with your username, you may use the following command:
qdel -u <your-BU-userid>
nextflow log
While you can use qstat
to track your job’s progress, nextflow also has built-in
functionality that records various statistics about the processes executed by
workflow runs. When you have a working nextflow pipeline, you may run the workflow
using the following command to produce a single HTML report containing various
metrics regarding the execution:
nextflow run <> -with-report <file-report-name>
For each process in the workflow, nextflow will report various metrics including CPU and memory usage, job duration and I/O. Please see the nextflow documentation here for more information on this report.