Computational Environments Guide

A software tool / program / package is at its core just code in a programming language that usually performs a certain function. In bioinformatics specifically, many of these tools will perform various statistical tests or data transformations or data manipulation.

Don’t reinvent the wheel!

Many of the analyses in bioinformatics have already been implemented in a variety of software packages maintained and released for general use. Whenever possible, we should make efficient use of the tools available in order to solve our problems, especially if someone has already solved it!

Computational Environments

The ability to install and use these different software tools will largely depend upon three main factors related to the concept of computational environments:

  1. Hardware / Operating System: Both the physical hardware and the operating system you are working with may affect the tools you are able to install and utilize. You likely have noticed that many programs and software you already use require you to choose specific versions tailored to an operating system or in some niche cases, hardware (i.e Apple silicon computers vs. intel-based, windows, linux).

  2. Dependencies: Software dependencies are other libraries or tools or code that the program in question depend on in order to work. Many software tools / packages reuse existing code and tools and build upon their functionality. Certain tools may have hundreds of dependencies that enable them to function and any changes in those dependencies may potentially change the behavior of the program and its operations.

  3. Versioning: Many commonly used software tools are regularly maintained and updated. In addition to bug fixes, newer versions often contain updated or novel features that expand the scope and functionality of the original tool. In many cases, these new versions may require newer versions of their dependencies and updates may unintentionally change the outputs from complicated algorithms or calculations.

Why is this important?

Science is built on the principle of reproducibility and that results that reveal to us the ground “truth” should be able to be reproduced in the future by those performing the experiments and others. Bioinformatics analyses are often complex, multi-faceted analysis pipelines that utilize a combination of many different computational and mathematical approaches to transform, manipulate and analyze data.

This presents a few challenges to reproducibility:

  1. We often have to make certain choices on how we manipulate or transform the data that will lead to radically different conclusions.

  2. Some of the algorithms and techniques we use are not fully deterministic and may produce slightly different results when repeated.

  3. Systemic changes in the underlying code of software tools or their dependencies may propagate across updates and versions, leading to slight differences in their behavior and output.

Below, we will discuss the various strategies we have for defining a computational environment that will allow us to use these various tools and how we can ensure that we (and others) can reproduce any results generated from them.

Working locally

One strategy for using and installing a tool is to simply download and install it to your local desktop or laptop. You will need to download the appropriate version for your system architecture and hope that the installation process includes any necessary dependencies.

When you might want to do this:

  • You want to very quickly analyze data or perform a task

  • You want to troubleshoot or learn how a certain tool works


  • The installation is specific to your exact hardware and operating system

  • Difficult to keep track of version and dependencies if you need to report or publish them in a paper

  • May not be reproducible outside of your specific environment

  • Limited by your personal hardware specifications

SCC Modules

The SCC IT team has very conveniently pre-installed many different, commonly used scientific packages and tools directly on the cluster. You may simply type module avail when signed in to a terminal connected to the SCC to see the available list of tools and their versions available. You may then use the module load name_of_tool command, which will allow you to use the tool and all of its functionalities. The module system will handle any dependencies and add the tool to your path for your use.

When you might want to do this

  • You want to very quickly analyze data or perform a task

  • You want to troubleshoot or learn how a certain tool works

  • The package isn’t available through conda or docker


  • You are limited to only the versions pre-installed on the SCC (you may request updates but the SCC team is very busy)

  • You are still tied to a specific system architecture (SCC)

  • Difficult to keep track of version and dependencies if you need to report or publish them in a paper

  • May not be reproducible outside of your specific environment


Miniconda is a software package that provides package, dependency and environment management for all of the common platforms. Miniconda will allow you to create separate environments, each containing their own packages and package dependencies. Miniconda will handle resolving all of the different versions and package dependencies needed for the requested tools.

When you might want to do this

  • Miniconda (conda) should be the default environment management tool used if better solutions like containers are unavailable (more below)


  • Still tied to system architecture - conda environments may install system architecture specific packages

  • Miniconda will often break and not be able to resolve package dependencies for particularly complicated environments


Containers package applications and their dependencies in a virtual container that allows it to run on any platform (linux, windows, macOS). They are isolated, lightweight and the best method to ensure reproducibility of your computational environments.

When you might want to do this

  • Whenever possible, containers are the most reproducible and portable method for ensuring standardization of packages and dependencies


  • Docker, a common containerization solution, requires root permissions, which are unavailable to users on the SCC and most shared clusters.

Using Conda on the SCC

To use miniconda on the SCC, we will need to perform a few steps. Every time you wish to use miniconda, you will need to first open a terminal and load the module for miniconda.

module load miniconda

The first time you load miniconda, you will want to perform the following steps as described here. The script will automatically run and edit the conda config file stored in your home directory, ~/.condarc.

It will change the location where conda installs all of its packages to a directory specified. By default, it would install these packages into your home directory which is only allotted 10gb of storage space.

You should choose to save your environments to your student folder /projectnb/bf528/students//. If you manually inspect your .condarc file (~/.condarc) with cat or a text editor, it should look like below:

    - /projectnb/bf528/students/your_bu_username/.conda/envs
    - ~/.conda/envs
    - /projectnb/bf528/students/your_bu_username/.conda/pkgs
    - ~/.conda/pkgs
env_prompt: ({name})

When you have successfully loaded miniconda, you should see a (base) appended before your username in your terminal. This means conda is active and may be used.

Best Practices for conda environments / containers for BF528

In order to ensure reproducibility and portability of our computational environments, we will use the following conventions:

  1. Each tool should be installed into its own separate environment / container

    • This ensures the environment / container is lightweight
    • It greatly reduces the chance of version or dependency conflicts between tools (e.g. two tools need different versions of the same package) and allows us to use the most up-to-date version of the tool
  2. The environment specification for the environment / container should be clear and transparent. For conda environments, we will encode the environment description into a YML file named appropriately. YAML files are commonly used for configuration files as YAML is a human-readable serialization language. For containers, we will use up-to-date containers hosted on standard registries.

  3. We ensure that we specify the exact version of the tool we want installed

For instance, if wanted to create a conda environment to run and use Samtools, we would create a YML file in our project directory named descriptively (samtools_env.yml) and use the conda env create -f samtools_env.yml to generate an environment using the specification contained within. That YML file may look something like the following:

- conda-forge
- bioconda

- samtools=1.19.2

You’ll notice that in addition to setting the appropriate channel priority, conda-forge first and bioconda second, we directly specify the exact version of samtools that we want installed. Conda will handle installation of any necessary dependencies. We will keep this YML file contained within the repository in which it is being used. This would allow us or others to exactly recreate the environment in which the analysis was run.

You may find which tools and versions are available on conda by using the command: conda search -c conda-forge -c bioconda <tool_name>.

0.1 How we are going to use conda environments / containers

For the most part, we are not going to be directly utilizing these environments or containers. One of the advantages of nextflow is that it can automatically make use of these conda YML environment specification files or containers for individual tasks by specifying them in each of the modules. We will simply