Week 5: ChIPseq

Discussion Questions

Please accept the github classroom link and do your best to answer the discussion questions for project 2.


Please answer these questions to the best of your abilities. Most of these questions are conceptual thought questions where we ask you to explain your reasoning. Be brief!

At the end, I’ve also asked you to display some of the key results / figures generated from the workflow. This is more for me to assay how many of you were able to successfully produce these results. You can compare on your own how well you were able to reproduce the main biological findings from the original.

I will ask you to submit your answers by next week, after which, we will provide you with feedback and comments in a timely manner. We will return this document to you with this feedback, and ask you to resubmit your answers after another week. If you address all of the comments and feedback in your resubmission, you will receive full credit for this second project.