Coding Style and Conventions

Coding style

Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread

  • The following slides are borrowed from the tidyverse style guide

Object names

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.”

— Phil Karlton

Variable and function names should use only lowercase letters, numbers, and _. Use underscores (_) (so called snake case) to separate words within a name.

# Good

# Bad

Spacing - commas

Always put a space after a comma, never before, just like in regular English.

# Good
x[, 1]

# Bad
x[ ,1]
x[ , 1]

Spacing - parentheses

Do not put spaces inside or outside parentheses for regular function calls.

# Good
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

# Bad
mean (x, na.rm = TRUE)
mean( x, na.rm = TRUE )

Spacing - infix operators

Most infix operators (==, +, -, <-, etc.) should always be surrounded by spaces:

# Good
height <- (feet * 12) + inches
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

# Bad
mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)

Function calls

  • A function’s arguments typically fall into two broad categories:
    • the data to compute on
    • the details of computation
  • Typically omit the names of data arguments
  • If you override the default value of an argument, use the full name
# Good
mean(1:10, na.rm = TRUE)

# Bad
mean(x = 1:10, , FALSE)
mean(, TRUE, x = c(1:10, NA))

Code blocks and indentation

Curly braces, {}, define the most important hierarchy of R code

  • { should be the last character on the line
  • The contents should be indented by two spaces.
  • } should be the first character on the line.
# Good
if (y < 0 && debug) {
  message("y is negative")

# Bad
if (y < 0 && debug) {
message("Y is negative")

Code blocks and indentation

if (y == 0) {
  if (x > 0) {
  } else {
    message("x is negative or zero")
} else {

# Bad
if (y == 0)
    if (x > 0) {
    } else {
  message("x is negative or zero")
} else { y ^ x }

Long lines

Strive to limit your code to 80 characters per line

# Good
  something = "that",
  requires = many,
  arguments = "some of which may be long"

# Bad
do_something_very_complicated("that", requires, many, arguments,
                              "some of which may be long"


Use <-, not =, for assignment.

# Good
x <- 5

# Bad
x = 5

The styler package

  • Consistently formatted code is generally much easier to read than inconsistently formatted code
  • Consistent formatting may also allow you to identify syntax and logic errors much more easily than it might be otherwise
  • The styler package automatically formats code in specific ways

The styler package

  • When you install styler with install.packages("styler") in RStudio, a new entry is available in the Addins menu:



  • Some use cases make running scripts in RStudio ineffective

    1. The same script must be run on many different inputs
    2. Data stored on a system where interactive RStudio session are not available
    3. The script takes a very long time to run (e.g. days to weeks)
    4. The computational demands of the analysis exceed the resources of the computer where RStudio is being run
  • Must turn an R script into a tool

The R Interpreter

Running R Scripts

$ cat simple_script.R
print('hello moon')
$ R
> source("simple_script.R")
[1] "hello moon"
[1] 3
 num [1:4] 1 2 3 4


$ Rscript
Usage: /path/to/Rscript [--options] [-e expr [-e expr2 ...] | file] [args]

--options accepted are
  --help              Print usage and exit
  --version           Print version and exit
  --verbose           Print information on progress
                      Where 'list' is a comma-separated set
                        of package names, or 'NULL'
or options to R, in addition to --no-echo --no-restore, such as
  --save              Do save workspace at the end of the session
  --no-environ        Don't read the site and user environment files
  --no-site-file      Don't read the site-wide Rprofile
  --no-init-file      Don't read the user R profile
  --restore           Do restore previously saved objects at startup
  --vanilla           Combine --no-save, --no-restore, --no-site-file
                        --no-init-file and --no-environ

Rscript Example

$ cat simple_script.R
print('hello moon')
$ Rscript simple_script.R
[1] "hello moon"
[1] 3
 num [1:4] 1 2 3 4

Rscript Specifics

  • Rscript is a convenience function that runs the following R command:
$ Rscript simple_script.R # is equivalent to:
$ R --no-echo --no-restore --file=simple_script.R


  • Can control the behavior of a script directly from the command line by passing command line arguments to the Rscript command
$ Rscript simple_script.R abc
[1] "hello moon"
[1] 3
 num [1:4] 1 2 3 4


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)


  • arguments passed in are available in the args variable:
$ cat echo_args.R
$ Rscript echo_args.R abc
[1] "abc"
$ Rscript echo_args.R abc 123
[1] "abc" "123"
$ Rscript echo_args.R # no args


  • By default the commandArgs() includes the Rscript command itself and any additional arguments:
$ Rscript -e "commandArgs()" abc 123
[1] "/usr/bin/R"
[2] "--no-echo"
[3] "--no-restore"
[4] "-e"
[5] "commandArgs()"
[6] "--args"
[7] "abc"
[8] "123"


The trailingOnly=TRUE argument returns only the arguments provided at the end of the command, after the Rscript portion:

$ Rscript -e "commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)" abc 123
[1] "abc" "123"

Example Tool

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if(length(args) != 1) {
  # cat() writes characters to the screen
  cat("Usage: simple_script.R <csv file>\n")
  cat("Provide exactly one argument that is a CSV filename\n")
  quit(save="no", status=1)
fn <- args[1]

Example Tool

$ cat data.csv

$ Rscript inspect_csv.R data.csv
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  gene  sampleA sampleB sampleC
  <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 g1          1      35      20
2 g2         32      56      99
3 g3        392     583     444
4 g4      39853   16288   66928

Numerical CLI Arguments

  • commandArgs() always produces a vector of strings
  • Numerical arguments must be parsed explicitly


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if(length(args) != 2) {
      cat("Usage: head.R <filename> <N>\n")
  cat("Provide exactly two arguments: a CSV filename and an integer N\n")
    quit(save="no", status=1)

# read in arguments
fn <- args[1]
n <- as.integer(args[2])


# the csv output will include a header row, so reduce n by 1
n <- n-1

# suppressMessages() prevents messages like library loading text from being printed to the screen
        library(tidyverse, quietly=TRUE)
        read_csv(fn) %>%
            slice_head(n=n) %>%


$ Rscript head.R data.csv 3


  • Reading command line arguments into variables in a script can become tedious
  • argparser package helps build CLI argument interfaces
library(argparser, quietly=TRUE)
parser <- arg_parser("R implementation of GNU coreutils head command")
parser <- add_argument(parser, "filename", help="file to print lines from")
parser <- add_argument(parser, "-n", help="number of lines to print",
parser <- parse_args(parser, c("-n", 3, "data.csv"))
print(paste("printing from file:", parser$filename))
print(paste("printing top n:", parser$n))

head.R + argparse

library(argparser, quietly=TRUE)

parser <- arg_parser("R implementation of GNU coreutils head command")

parser <- add_argument(
  help="file to print lines from"
parser <- add_argument(
  help="number of lines to print",

head.R + argparse

args <- parse_args(parser)

fn <- args$filename

# the csv output will include a header row, so reduce n by 1
n <- args$top-1

        library(tidyverse, quietly=TRUE)
        read_csv(fn) %>%
            slice_head(n=n) %>%

head.R + argparse

$ Rscript head.R -n 3 data.csv

head.R + argparse

$ Rscript head.R -h
usage: head.R [--] [--help] [--opts OPTS] [--top TOP] filename

R implementation of GNU coreutils head command

positional arguments:
  filename    file to print lines from

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -x, --opts  RDS file containing argument values
  -n, --top   number of lines to print [default: 10]

Parallel Processing

Parallel Processing

  • Most modern computers have multiple processing or CPU cores, e.g. a 4-core or 8-core processor
  • Running processes simultaneously can divide time required to run an analysis by a factor equal to the number of machine cores
  • e.g. a machine with 64 cores could run a computation that would normally take two months in a single day
  • Processes running at the same time on different cores are running in parallel
  • A computation that is not parallelized runs serially

Brief Introduction to Parallelization

  • Not all computations can be parallelized
  • Certain classes of problems are pleasingly parallel:
    • problem structure easily divided into parts that can be run in parallel
  • In general, how “parallelizeable” a computation is depends on how the subparts of the computation relate to one another


  • The structure of a computation determines whether/how it can be parallelized
  • Consider mapping high throughput sequencing reads against a reference genome:
    • i.e. identify the location(s) in the genome where each read matches
  • Alignment locations of different reads don’t depend on each other, i.e. they are independent
  • Independent tasks can be performed in parallel
  • Most modern alignment programs like bwa and STAR exploit this inherently parallel structure of read alignment problem

Parallelization Limitations

  • Splitting up a computation into pieces that can run in parallel does not always lead to performance improvements
  • Execution time of an algorithm depends on the slowest step
  • Every algorithm is bounded by one of compute, memory, input/output, network
  • These concepts are covered in the field of high-performance computing

Algorithm Boundedness

  • An algorithm can be one of:
    • compute-bound - the computations take the largest amount of time
    • memory-bound - the amount of main memory (i.e. RAM) on the machine determines how quickly the computation can complete
    • input/output (IO)-bound - writing to and from hard disk takes the most time
    • network-bound - transfering data over a network, usually between processes running in parallel, takes the most time

Multilevel parallelization

  • Parallelism can be attained on both multiprocessor and distributed computing level:
    • Multiprocessor - one job utilizing multiple cores on a single machine
    • Distributed computing - running jobs on multiple separate machines
  • Can utilize both levels of parallelization
    • e.g. 100 jobs via qsub and each job uses 16 cores = \(100 * 16 =\) 1600x speedup!

apply Is Pleasingly Parallel

  • apply, lapply, vapply etc computations are pleasantly parallel
  • apply iterates over the input collection and executes the function on each of them
  • In general, any iteration using an apply function can be parallelized in R

The parallel package

  • R can leverage multiple core architectures to execute processes in parallel with the [parallel package]
  • mclapply(), or multicore apply is multicore implementation of apply
  • mclapply accepts all of the same arguments as lapply and a few additional starting with mc.
  • mc.cores, which specifies the number of cores to use when executing tasks in parallel
  • NB: mclapply is not available on Windows, only Mac and linux

mclapply Example


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
cores <- as.integer(args[1])

ret <- mclapply(
    function(x) {

mclapply Example - 1 core

$ Rscript mclapply.R 1
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:09 process 1"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:12 process 2"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:15 process 3"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:18 process 4"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:21 process 5"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:24 process 6"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:27 process 7"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:30 process 8"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:33 process 9"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:33:36 process 10"

mclapply Example - 3 cores

$ Rscript mclapply.R 3
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:56 process 1"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:56 process 2"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:56 process 3"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:59 process 4"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:59 process 5"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:29:59 process 6"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:30:02 process 7"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:30:02 process 8"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:30:02 process 9"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:30:05 process 10"

mclapply Example - 10 cores

- Rscript mclapply.R 10
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 1"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 2"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 3"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 4"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 5"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 6"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 7"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 8"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 9"
[1] "2022-03-23 20:34:59 process 10"

Object Oriented Programming in R

Object Oriented Programming in R

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that encapsulates related code and data into conceptual “objects”
  • Objects organize code and make it easier to write, maintain, and understand
  • There are several different styles of OOP, and a programming language may implement more than one style, or none at all
  • R supports several different OOP systems

OOP Concepts

  • polymorphism - enables considering a function’s interface separately from its implementation
  • encapsulation - enables organizing a function’s implementation and data together under a common interface

OOP Terminology

  • class: the “type” of the object
  • method: something all objects of a class can do
  • field: something all objects of a class have (e.g. data)
  • inheritance: some classes share same behavior as other classes (i.e. they inherit the behavior)
  • method dispatch: the programming language decides which method implementation to execute for a given class


## # A tibble: 53,940 × 10
##    carat cut       color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
##    <dbl> <ord>     <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  0.23 Ideal     E     SI2      61.5    55   326  3.95  3.98  2.43
##  2  0.21 Premium   E     SI1      59.8    61   326  3.89  3.84  2.31
##  3  0.23 Good      E     VS1      56.9    65   327  4.05  4.07  2.31
##  4  0.29 Premium   I     VS2      62.4    58   334  4.2   4.23  2.63
##  5  0.31 Good      J     SI2      63.3    58   335  4.34  4.35  2.75
##  6  0.24 Very Good J     VVS2     62.8    57   336  3.94  3.96  2.48
##  7  0.24 Very Good I     VVS1     62.3    57   336  3.95  3.98  2.47
##  8  0.26 Very Good H     SI1      61.9    55   337  4.07  4.11  2.53
##  9  0.22 Fair      E     VS2      65.1    61   337  3.87  3.78  2.49
## 10  0.23 Very Good H     VS1      59.4    61   338  4     4.05  2.39
## # ℹ 53,930 more rows


  • Consider the summary() function:
diamonds <- ggplot2::diamonds

#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    0.20    0.40    0.70    0.80    1.04    5.01

#>      Fair      Good Very Good   Premium     Ideal 
#>      1610      4906     12082     13791     21551


  • Data and functionality combined into the same object
  • Consider python class:
class Read(object):
  def __init__(self, header, seq, qual):
    self.header = header
    self.seq = seq
    self.qual = qual
  def to_fastq(self):
    return '@{}\n{}\n+\n{}'.format(
read1 = Read("read1", "ACTG", "FFFF")
read1.seq # access sequence
read1.fastq() # output fastq format

OOP in R

  • R has three main OOP systems:
    • S3 - first, simplest, functional system
    • R6 - more recent, encapsulated system
    • S4 - like S3, but more restrictive
  • Bioconductor requires packages be written using S4 system


new_Read <- function(header, seq, qual=NULL) {
read1 <- new_Read("read1", "ACGT", "FFFF")
fastq.Read <- function(x) {


Read <- R6Class("Read", list(
  header = NULL,
  seq = NULL,
  qual = NULL,
  initialize = function(header, seq, qual=NULL) {
    self$header <- header
    self$seq <- seq
    self$qual <- qual
  fastq = function() {
read1 <- Read$new("read1","ACTG","FFFF")

Building R Packages

Building R Packages

Packages are the fundamental unit of reproducible code in R. Most of the time, we as practitioners simply use packages that have been provided by others. However, sometimes, when we have developed a methodology that others might find useful, it may be advantageous to write our own R packages and share them with the community. Writing an R package involves creating a directory with a specific structure and adding code, documentation, and package metadata in a way that allows it to be distributed.

Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan have written an excellent book on how to write R packages. If ever you need to write your own R package, this should be the only place you need to go.